Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Look by Antonio Lopez

I would be lying if I said that fashion isn't important because everyone cares about their appearance. Why else would we spend all our money on designer clothes and try to keep up with the fashion game. Honestly fashion can make a impact on your life. For example, it can affect the outcome of either getting a date or being rejected and spending your Saturday night home alone playing Uno with grandma.

I really value this look because its fresh, cool, and collective. It isn't extravagant but it's enough to catch people attention and say "Wow...that guy looks fitted" or "I'm really feeling his style." It isn't really baggy or ridiculously big. It's unique and its simple. Its really up to the person to decide how to coordinate their clothes if they want to look stylish. Just be creative and let your imagination go wild.

I personally don't really stick to a certain type of style because I'm always trying out different styles and experimenting. I believe that fashion is just you pretty much just being yourself. If people see that you have confidence in the way you dress or how you look then they're going to respect you for it. They might also like your taste and try mimic your style. That's how trends and fashion start. People just being themselves and not get absorbed into the fashion hype.

“I just do what I do. It's not something that should be revered as something that's great.”- Pharrell Williams


1 comment:

Adrian Cortes said...

I personally agree with Antonio, fashion is an important aspect of an individual's life. It plays a big part in the messages that you convey to other people as well. If not, then why would we be looking out for the newest sneaks, hats, and other designer clothes? Appearance is becoming increasingly relevant with social life and success nowadays, and we as individuals all have our own opinions about what is "the look."

Fashion, as you said, is "pretty much just being yourself", and I can go with you on that one as well. It really is about your personality, taste, and above all confidence. If you have that working for you, you'll have a much more bigger impact on people than you would otherwise. Ultimately, "the look" is all about you. In the end, it really is what moves you and what you feel comfortable in (and like you said, confidence) that will get you that date on Saturday night rather than getting beat at Uno by your grandma. Good post Antonio.