One of my biggest pursuits of fashion are shoes. To be completely honest my obsession with shoes is rediculous. I have a nice amount of shoes, but not nearly enough as I want. I have more shoes than i do clothes to go with them. I find myself having some dope shoes, but unable to wear them because i have nothing to match. For the most part im pretty simplistic when i dress. I would just by some shoes, then get a hat to match. If my shoes aren't in order then i don't feel complete. Besides, what is fashion without shoes?
i agree with wath you said. i also like shoes. i think that they reflect our own personality. i think that shoes are the most important aspect of somebody's outfit. when i first meet a person i look at their shoes first and that tells me a lot about that person.
i agree with wath you said. i also like shoes. i think that they reflect our own personality. i think that shoes are the most important aspect of somebody's outfit. when i first meet a person i look at their shoes first and that tells me a lot about that person.
anonymous's comment is really edward's comment.
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