My style and the style I "value" is close to the style that model Agyness Deyn holds. Her style is comfortable and unique, she doesn't follow trends but instead dresses the way she wants to. That's the kind of mindset that I hold when I go shopping, to buy what I like not what I think is "in". I shop mainly at thrift stores because of the one of the kind clothing you can find there. I throw pieces together like Deyn, and if it isn't "matchy matchy" then I won't worry about it. I don't really like matching for example my shoes to my shirt, but I just like having everything flow together. A lot of people just follow trends to fit in or to seem fashionable, but the real fashionistas are the ones who set their own trends. The style I value is derived from skateboarding, London street fashion, and wearing what I want to wear. I guess you could call me, and I have been called one before, a "hipster". Hipster doesn't mean one who is fashionable and hip all the time, but one who has their own sense of style and doesn't care what anyone thinks about it. One thing, however, that differs from a hipster and Deyn's style is that though thrift stores are my main places to shop I will spend more money at more places on shoes. The style I value is a style that I can honestly call my own. Trends are not for me and if I'm not dressing hip to everyone else's standards, I don't really care.
source: http://nymag.com/daily/fashion/2008/03/agyness_deyns_clothes_are_rand.html
Good on you for following your own path. Conformists are a dime a dozen nowadays so a change of pace and thinking is definitely required. Heh I like how you posted in a different font than everyone else. Was that supposed to be representative of you not following trends, hmmm? XD
"The best style is almost always a result of an unexpected combination of good and less costly things, with a sharp eye toward what’s in fashion."
Skinny, bean pole, clothes rack! Can normal or over-sized wear this look?
Her style isn't based on her figure but her composition of different pieces. A average-sized woman with a sense of style could easily adapt any "look" to their own figure.
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